Friday, May 29, 2009

To the 7th grade teachers: about me...

1. What piece of work and learning are you most proud of? Explain.

I am most proud of the comic I drew about my life in Storytelling in Art. I took my time, and tried my hardest to make it neat, perfect, and the best I could possibly do. I had the chance to show my skills in drawing and I enjoyed it.

2. What were your greatest challenges? Explain.

Science was pretty hard for me in first trimester; it was difficult for me to understand, and my parents, who are chemical engineers, were asking me why I got a B, but I asked some of my friends to help explain things. I improved in second trimester, and I got an A+. I also found it a little hard to get things done and handed in on time.

3. Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?

I'm a visual learner. I love art, and I visualize what I'm going to do or how I'm going to get something done. I also learned NOT to leave things to the last minute!!! Because you know that you could've done better and you REGRET it...regret it...

Satisfactory...I guess. Sometimes I talk at the wrong time (or something), but I can be quiet too. It depends on my mood.

I think I actively participate in class. I mean, I'm not shy or too quiet. I know how to participate; I can talk and listen. And I don't really mind being in a group with a mix of gender, unless my group members are REALLY annoying. But when I'm lazy, I leave other people to talk. Sometimes I'm not that confident in sharing my opinions, like last year in 5th grade, but I think I am more confident now.

My organiztion is...satisfactory. I sometimes forget to print, or bring my work to school, and it's REALLY frustrating!!! Some people may call me a perfectionist, and I might be, but I don't see how that's really a bad thing...But I'm not as org

In between "satisfactory" and "above and beyond." I sometimes leave things to last minute, and get it done at lunch or something. However, I'm sometimes a perfectionist (Well usually...well...yeah). I actually care, unlike some people, when I spell a word wrong.

5. Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for Grade 7 next year.

Goal 1 - In Grade 7, I plan to participate in the Middle School Talent Show or Student IDull. I want to show my talent in singing, and after watching this year's Student IDull singers, I'm confident I'll be able to get in.

Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to get assignments handed in on time ALL the time. I'm not that satisfied with my grades, so I also plan to get my grades higher because I know I can do even better.

6.Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?

No. Maybe. Yeah...I like being alone sometimes. Like when I have to get things done. And then, when I AM trying to get something finished, when people interrupt me...I get annoyed. And when I'm annoyed, I'm in a bad mood. AND THEN when I'm in a bad mood, when everyone has used every, little, last bit of my patience...I EXPLODE!!! :)

Monday, May 25, 2009

WE can save the Earth...

People around the world are doing everything they can to save our planet Earth. There are the three R's (Reduce, Reuse & Recycle), Earth Hour, Earth Day, and many other things too. Some people may think, "How can I make a difference when I am just one person?" But, if everyone did at least something small for the environment, all the little things we do eventually build up and can make a HUGE difference. So, maybe if we had Earth Hour not once, but more often like once a month or something, the energy we have saved during that time would make a difference too.

Another way to save our Earth is to not use so much transportation. Cars, buses, motorcycles, boats, airplanes and many other vehicles release harmful pollutants that wear down the ozone layer. You can carpool. Ride public transportation. Ride your bicycle, walk, or jog. That way you're exercising! You should also turn things off when you are leaving to room or when they're not in use. When you're leaving the room, turn off the lights and or the airconditioner. Turn off the computer/computer charger when you're not using them.

Even though these are small things (that are very easy to do, for your information), EVERY person's participation is vital in order for us to save the Earth!