Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Idea of Courage...

There are many ways to see courage. For some people courage is overcoming your greatest fear; to reach the top of the climbing wall, the rope in P.E; or just helping someone in need. My idea of courage is to overcome a fear. It takes a lot of courage to eat a bizarre food, to go on that scary roller-coaster, or to stand on a stage proudly. I, so far, have not overcome my fear of spiders because of a bad experience. I was watching T.V. when I felt a tingling feeling on my leg. I thought it was just itchy, but it when I reached for my leg to scratch it, I felt something big and hairy!!! It was a giant black spider!!! I jumped off the bed and screamed!!! Although I'm afraid of spiders, I don't mind seeing them as long a they are kept in a cage, bottle, whatever! As long as they're trapped...